
Brand Development Services

Strong branding is the cornerstone of any organization and developing strong brands is what we do.

Our comprehensive brand development methodology yields consistent results and competitive advantages for our clients. Utilizing a renowned blend of research, strategy, and creativity, we carefully refine your brand to become an important influence on your consumers and have a profound impact on your success.

Effective Branding Driven By Research, Strategy, and Results

Rayhawk's Branding Methodology is Anchored to Research and Strategic Thinking

We start by scrutinizing the existing marketplace, and then delve deeper into the factors that influence brand preference in that marketplace. This probing process allows us to identify the ideal perception and position your brand should attain relative to its competitors. Once the positioning strategy is established, it will guide our naming and design efforts towards brand differentiation.


What's In a Name?

An Effective Brand Name Projects the Character of a Product, Service, or Organization and is an Asset of Great Value.

Based on the knowledge we gain through discovery and strategy, our professionals will create names that are unique and descriptive.

Your Visual Footprint

Your Brand’s Iconic Representation Has the Potential to Drive Brand Awareness, Perception, and Loyalty.

To help realize this potential we develop world class identity design concepts, each unique and intimately aligned with the positioning strategy we have established for your organization. The appeal of each concept often promotes indecisiveness which is why we go to the public for feedback.


Working in a vacuum is a dangerous mistake

Feedback is a Critical Component in Defining a Successful Brand Experience

That is why Rayhawk conducts surveys and focus group sessions to determine how the names and identity concepts we generate are perceived by a wider audience. Through this process we are able to evaluate each name’s linguistic properties such as readability (will consumers read the name properly?) and phonetic integrity (is the name written as it sounds?). We also evaluate each identity’s visual appeal and ability to form a positive, memorable impression.

Creating a Memorable Brand

The Feedback Allows us to Eliminate Certain Options With Confidence

What is left should be a short list of viable names and identity designs from which we will help you select your new brand. Once the choice is made your new brand may still have to go through several rounds of revision to insure its appearance will be consistent across all key visual mediums. When ready to launch, your brand will be differentiating, influential, and memorable.


Brands Require Legal Protection.

Unfortunately Brands Don't Come With "Lo Jack"

Rayhawk will assist you in registering your trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Rayhawk handle all aspects of protecting your newly created brand against unlawful use and other potentially costly and harmful brand attacks.

Like Having an Extra Pair of Eyes

Working to Keep Your Brand Strong

Rayhawk’s brand managers implement the best practices to protect the ongoing investment you will make to nurture and grow your brand’s value.
